Nachtkrakers 2021

Laat je raken

Nachtkrakers the cultural event of the year is coming back to Campus Groenplaats at KdG!
Last year’ s edition was unfortunately cancelled due to our friend “Rona”. We anticipated on the fact that we could not touch each other physically, but that we could touch each other emotionally with a good slice of culture.

This year we anticipate on the fact that it is possible again. We may touch each other. So take your friend by the hand and come and enjoy a blissful evening full of culture and let yourself be touched emotionally.


Laat je raken or let yourself be moved

My role

In consultation with the client, I organized a complete photo shoot in 4 days. That is: location, photographer, models, all required documents and mail traffic that went with it. At the venue itself, I’ve provided the models with the correct makeup and helped assist the photographer.

Photos by: Gilles Vanmaldeghem